We will see you back on January 2, 2025.
Menu change for Friday, December 13
Salisbury Steak
Mashed Potatoes w/Gravy
Next week is Christmas Spirit Week!
Friday is DOLLAR DAY!
The only dollar day for December!
The school Science Fair has been rescheduled for January 9, 2025. New entry forms will be available to those students interested in participating. Please talk to Ms. Rule with any questions.
Due to snow days, RADA ordering has been extended. Please send ALL orders back to WSES by TOMORROW, Thursday, December 12, 2024.
Just a reminder for all homeschool families. An assessment is required annually and must be retained by the parent for at least three years. If you would like your child to participate in the WV Summative Assessment programs (WVGSA for grades 3-8 or College Board's SAT School Day for grade 11), you must submit the Request to Participate form no later than Thursday, December 12th, 2024. For a student to participate in the WVGSA 3-8 or the Digital SAT School Day exams they must be approved, and the WVDE must upload their data into the assessment platforms. You may register to participate at the following link: https://forms.office.com/r/Yrp3cydtsv
Add this to your student's holiday schedule!
Join us for a Family Night of fun with WSES after school program!
December Menu
Webster County Schools is actively working to improve our attendance rate. We would like to partner with families to create a culture of attendance. The goal for WC students is to have an attendance rate of 95%. If your student has missed more than 3 days so far this year, their attendance rate is below 95%, this includes excused and unexcused absences. The chart shows the average attendance rate for each school. By the end of the semester, we would like to see each school's average attendance be above the 95% mark.
Please talk with your students about the importance of attendance. To help eliminate challenges around absenteeism, assess your child's sleep schedule, nutritional diet, physical and mental health, as well as time spent on electronics. If you need assistance with any of these challenges, please reach out to your school social worker or counselor. Our staff will help create a plan of action to help your child reach the goal of success. #9isfinebutlessisprime #attendancematters #strivefor95
Webster County Schools is actively working to improve our attendance rate. We would like to partner with families to create a culture of attendance. The goal for WC students is to have an attendance rate of 95%. If your student has missed more than 3 days so far this year, their attendance rate is below 95%, this includes excused and unexcused absences. The chart shows the average attendance rate for each school. By the end of the semester, we would like to see each school's average attendance be above the 95% mark.
Please talk with your students about the importance of attendance. To help eliminate challenges around absenteeism, assess your child's sleep schedule, nutritional diet, physical and mental health, as well as time spent on electronics. If you need assistance with any of these challenges, please reach out to your school social worker or counselor. Our staff will help create a plan of action to help your child reach the goal of success. #9isfinebutlessisprime #attendancematters #strivefor95
Coaching for parents resource.
ALL after school activities have been canceled for today, November 21, 2024.
Another wonderful opportunity! Autism training on behavior - December 12, 2024, at 6pm.
Check this out!
WSES will be hosting our annual Veteran's Day Breakfast starting at 8:30am tomorrow, November 15, 2024. Veteran's Day Assembly will begin at 9:45am, our K-6 grade students will all have presentations. All veterans and those currently in service are welcome to join us for breakfast and the assembly. Families of our students are welcome to attend our assembly! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Wonderful opportunity being held at WSES! Autism - An overview of autism spectrum disorder.
Our annual Veterans Breakfast will be on Friday, November 15.
Breakfast will be at 8:30, with an assembly following at 9:45.
Fall picture proofs will be sent home with students today. Orders will be due back no later than Friday, November 15, 2024.